If you need a tooth extraction, our caring and supportive team will ensure you have a comfortable, stress-free experience. There are times that necessitate the removal of a tooth.
At Ledbetter Family Dental Care, we understand that it can be difficult to lose even a single tooth. Fortunately, we offer services to help you replace missing teeth, such as a bridge, a dental implant, or dentures. If it is necessary to remove a tooth, we are committed to making you as comfortable as possible while we perform the extraction. We would also do our best to find the right tooth replacement option for you.
It’s important to understand that removing a tooth is never a dentist’s first choice. Preserving tooth structure, even if it’s compromised, is always preferable to removing the tooth.
If we’ve recommended tooth extraction, it’s because it’s the only option that will protect your oral health and your remaining teeth. Sometimes, removing a tooth will help us deliver the best results in conjunction with other procedures: