Ledbetter Family Dental Care, Your Smile Starts Here. Dr. Les Ledbetter DDS Services General Dentistry Routine Check ups, Teeth Cleaning, X-Rays, Fillings, Filling, Crowns, Crown, Bridges, Bridge, Cosmetic Dental Care, Teeth Whitening, Veneers, Bonding, Specialty Dentistry, Extractions, Root Canal, Complete and Partial Dentures, Dental Implant, Implants, Treatment of Gum Disease, Pediatric Childrens Dentistry. Dental Team April Hawkins, Sunny Wells, Jammey Howard, Leah Aldridge, Sheri Morris, Gina Lawson, Debbie Robinson. Home Offices in Ardmore and Wynnewood OK. Contact us at 580-223-4477 or 405-665-2220

Ledbetter Family Dental Care


Missing teeth can be a real problem. Whether it is a result of tooth decay, injury, or aging, a missing tooth can negatively affect your confidence and oral health. Our dental bridges in Ardmore are a standard dental procedure that helps fill gaps caused by missing teeth. So, in this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about dental bridges.

At Ledbetter Family Dental Care, we understand how vital it is for our patients to have a healthy and complete smile. We are here for you! We equip our state-of-the-art facility with the latest technology, and our skilled staff provides you with personalized care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Let us help you achieve optimal dental health and the smile of your dreams! 


What is a Dental Bridge, and How is it Placed?

A dental bridge is a fake tooth that we cement in place with the help of adjacent teeth. Bridges come in various materials, including porcelain, composite, and other metals. The most common type of dental bridge consists of a false tooth, known as a pontic, which we anchor by two dental crowns on either side. The dental crowns are bonded over the teeth on both sides of the gap, holding the pontic in place.

The procedure involves several steps. During the first visit, Dr. Les Ledbetter will remove some enamel by preparing the teeth adjacent to the missing tooth gap. After that, he will take impressions of the teeth to create the dental bridge. He’ll place a temporary bridge to cover the gap while waiting for the dental technicians to craft the permanent one. The final stage involves cementing the dental bridge in place, which we typically perform during the second visit.


Why Do You Need a Dental Bridge?

Missing teeth can lead to a wide range of dental issues, including misaligned bites, speech difficulties, and loss of bone density in the jaw. Dental bridges provide a long-term solution to replace missing teeth that can improve oral and overall health. Bridges also help to maintain the structure of your jawbone and facial muscles to help give you a natural-looking smile.


Types of Dental Bridges

Traditional dental bridges are the most common type of bridge. As stated earlier, they typically consist of a pontic anchored by two dental crowns. 

On the other hand, we can use Cantilever bridges when there is only one tooth next to the gap. We cement these bridges in place at the side of the gap. 

Maryland bridges are specialist bridges with a ‘wing’ on only one side of the pontic. The wing is bonded to the back of the nearest supporting tooth, eliminating the need for dental crowns.


Taking Care of Your Dental Bridge

It is as essential to take care of your dental bridge as it is to look after your natural teeth. Ensure you brush twice daily and floss regularly to clean your dental bridge. Use a soft bristle brush and toothpaste with fluoride so it doesn’t damage the pontic. Avoid eating hard or sticky foods, as they can dislodge the bridge. It would be best to continue your regular checkups and cleanings to ensure optimal oral health.


Dental Bridges in Ardmore

Missing teeth can affect not only your appearance but also your oral health. Dental bridges are an effective replacement solution that can help you achieve an aesthetically pleasing smile and optimal dental health. 

At Ledbetter Family Dental Care, we provide a variety of tooth replacement options that we personalize to meet your individual needs. We also offer general dentistry in Ardmore, Oklahoma, to maintain your oral health, cosmetic dentistry to enhance the appearance of your smile, and even specialty dentistry

So, whether you need a dental bridge or another procedure, our team can help you. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and start your journey to a healthier smile.